A finals del mes de maig li van proposar a la J. fer una exposició de punts de llibre, al local de l'AAEET. Hi acostumen a fer exposicions de fotografia o relacionades amb temes de col·leccionisme. Ella em va proposar de fer-la conjuntament i ho vaig acceptar encantada, jo al meu torn, li vaig vaig proposar comentar-li-ho a la R. que té una magnifíca col·lecció de punts d'arreu del món.
Ja érem tres.
Vam inaugurar el dia 15 de juny.
En aquestes fotos ens hi podeu veure a nosaltres i els nostres punts.
En aquestes fotos ens hi podeu veure a nosaltres i els nostres punts.
We wanted to organise a bookmarks' collectors' meeting on Sant Jordi's day, but too much work to do and so little time to do it.
At the end of May, J. received a proposal, from the AAEET people, to perform an exhibition of bookmarks at their exhibition room, where they usually show different perfomances of photography or about collectors, she asked me to help her and I accepted so pleased, then I told her to ask to R., she has a beautiful collections of bookmarks from over the world.
At the end of May, J. received a proposal, from the AAEET people, to perform an exhibition of bookmarks at their exhibition room, where they usually show different perfomances of photography or about collectors, she asked me to help her and I accepted so pleased, then I told her to ask to R., she has a beautiful collections of bookmarks from over the world.
We were already three.
We inaugurated on 15th May.
Here we are, and ours bookmarks.
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Us felicito a les dues per l´exposició, em va agradar molt!
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